We’ve Moved!

Head over to Google Classroom

You will FIRST need to set up your school gmail account:

  1. Log into gmail if you have one
  2. Go to your picture profile icon in the upper right corner; click “Add Account”
  3. Sign in using your user name and password:
    • User name: school login@swsdonline.com
    • Password: S+your lunch number
  4. Use our class code to log into G-class:
    • Literature: 9p7cer
    • Language: 39rlqw

Skagit River Poetry Festival

I just realized this picture is missing the Grace, Shelbey, Tiffanie, Tori contingent! Hurmph!!

So wonderful to see your faces and giggle with you!! The end is near, kiddos!!


Many, Many Thanks!

To all my dear students and colleagues:

You gave me one of the best send-offs of my life this last week! Thank you for the donuts, brownies, cards, cookies, unexpected baby gifts, the tear-jerking cards, the poems, the VIDEO!! and your general love and support. You really know how to make a someone feel special and appreciated.

I look forward to seeing you at the Skagit River Poetry Festival, GRADUATION!!! and next year. I’ll be reading these books if you want to summer book club. Just sayin’ 😉 The Signature of All Things; We the Drowned; Aimless Love and yes, finally, The Fault in Our Stars!


AP Literature Poetry Post

Share your best work here!
Make sure you leave your name and a comment on another’s work!
5 pts. extra credit–and GLORY!! (Not enough points to allocate for GLORY!!)



1. Find a (school-appropriate) video, political cartoon or picture of satire

2. Post the link in the comments

3. Comment on two other examples of satire. Point out what human foolishness or vice is being mocked as well as one strategy (and a specific example of this strategy) as seen in the “text”

4. First posting (of link) due by Tuesday 2/25 at midnight. Response comments due by Thursday 2/27 at midnight.

Make us giggle!

AP Lang. Weekend homework

1. Compose a purpose statement and mini outline answering the question:

What is Michelle Obama’s purpose and how does she achieve it?

2. Select one strategy from your mini-outline and compose a complete body paragraph. Don’t forget to let the porpoise breathe!!
3. Post your purpose statement AND paragraph online via a comment by Sunday, 2/10 at NOON.
4. Comment on two other students’ paragraphs: identify one thing that is working well and one thing that could use improvement
5. Use what you read from your peers, including their purpose statement—is theirs more effective than yours? You are at liberty to steal it—and revise your paragraph.
6. On Tuesday, submit:
• Original purpose statement with mini-outline
• Original paragraph that was posted online
• Revised paragraph (and purpose statement, if you revised that)

All should be typed in MLA format. This is your first Literary Analysis that will earn a grade; use all your resources, including notes, handouts and your peers to make your work sing! Following this we will have an in-class essay, so this is your chance to work out the kinks! 