

  1. Find an appropriate visual aid: video clip, cartoon, drawing, etc. to post here.
  2. Come back later.
  3. No really, later.
  4. Comment on two postings:
  • What elements helped to create the satire?
  • How did the elements create the satire?

91 thoughts on “Satire!

  1. Here is my comic for the satire:

    And this is a clip from The Soup and it is a really funny satire (might be a little inappropriate but I can’t resist posting it for fun) so if you are interested watch at your own risk-really it’ s not bad but the language is a little crude:


    • The bold print on the newspaper, and the rising water in the picture contributed to the satire. These were excellent examples of hyperbole.

    • This is a great hyperbole example, having the guy sleeping on the beach while the rising ocean pours over him. Obviously global warming isn’t happening that fast, but idea is to get people to realize that it still is a problem.

    • The elements that helped create the satire were the intensity of the questions in the beginning, making it seem really serious, and the Parody of LeBron James and the Hyperbole of the situation added to the satire.

    • There is the obvious parody of LeBron James and his decision to “take his talents to South Beach”. This is also the classic reversal: huge hype for a decision in which it only turns out to be Steve telling the world he is going to eat at Outback.

    • This couple acts clueless to the logical explanation of how to prevent debt: don’t buy stuff that you can’t afford. This element helps bring out the parody and reversal in the skit. This skit imitates families who cannot grasp the simple thought of not spending more money than they have. Most infomercials on this topic try to explain ways to get you OUT of debt, but this one is telling you how to easily AVOID debt.

  2. Well, here’s my Satire example. “It Was Early” by Katherine Glassman

    The molten silver light of dawn crept through my window, startling me awake. I groaned involuntarily, realizing what time it was; too early to be up. I had spent the previous night laboring over my studies until 2:00 in the morning. The warmth and comfort of my bed enfolded me, bringing into sharp realization that the hard floor would be gelid to the touch. Sitting in silent contemplation for a time, I reluctantly concluded that it was indeed time to arise.
    Struggling into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I blearily made my way out of my havoc-wrought room and down the extensive flight of stairs. As a drunken mountain goat down a precipice, I gracefully floated down all seventeen stairs, the only noise being the ponderous thump of my benumbed feet and the occasional whack of my hand slamming against the wall to catch myself before my tenuous hold on balance fled from me.

    Perhaps I should have stayed in bed for a while longer. Oh well; such is fate.

    Once down that treacherous staircase, I began to scavenge desperately for food. But to my utter dismay, there was not a morsel to be found. Not a half-glass of milk, not a slice of cheese, not a stray noodle, or crumb of two-week-old bread. With a trembling heart and a disparaging stomach, I called entreatingly up to my mother, who was still traveling the dream-paths.

    “Goodness forsake it!! Mother, where the heck did all the cursed food go!?”

    Maybe my tone was a little harsher than entreatingly, but you get the idea.

    At first silence prevailed, the only sounds in the house were the irritating ticking of the clock, the heater kicking in, and the blood pounding in my ears as I foresaw a maddening grocery trip in the very, very, inexorably near future.

    As I said before, such is fate.

    Finally, after the course of what seem centuries, the lady of the house made her appearance. Clothed in a bathrobe and looking moderately disheveled, my errant mother shambled down the stairs like a bear awoken from hibernation, arriving with the slowness of an arthritic sloth.

    But then, that was to be expected. She was my mother.

    Groggily, we started a stare-off; she met my bristling gaze of intense and passionate irritation with a wide look of incomprehension, a major part of her mind still meandering lazily down the dream-paths. My heart skipped a beat when she opened her mouth, but it resumed its steady beat in despair when she merely yawned and gazed longingly at the master of the house; the coffee pot.

    “Mom, where is the food?”

    You may have noticed that I had ample time to modulate my tone into a more pleasant setting than that of a petulant child. And no, I am not a child; I am well into my fourth month of being a thirteen year old.

    “Check the pantry, dear.”

    The pit of my stomach turned in despair. I had already checked all the cupboards, the pantry, the refrigerator, and the not-so-well-hidden stashes of food Dad squirrels away.

    “Mom, I checked everywhere. There is no food in this house!”

    Don’t give me that look. I didn’t yell; I snarled. There is a firm and definite difference… Even check the dictionary.

    “Nonsense, dear.”

    Oh, in case you were not paying attention, yes, my teeth were clenched, my knuckles were white, and I really wished that I had stayed in bed.

    With no other really courteous option, I sat down at the dining room table and started drawing, relaxing as my hand went through the familiar motions of quick, soft strokes with my trusty pencil. Trying to think light and happy thoughts, a challenge I usually leave up to someone else, I attempted to sketch a young lady horse-back riding.
    Naturally, the artist being me of course, the young lady ended up wielding a claymore and riding her ferocious battle-steed into a bloody battle with orcs.

    No, I don’t want to hear your comments.

    My mother slowly stepped across the threshold and sat across the table from me, sighing in a long-suffering fashion when she lucidly spied my drawing. I waited patiently for her critiquing, but to my wary surprise, none came. Instead, she eyed me like an armed redneck would a city-slicker who had just stumbled though his field.

    “Dear, what happened to the food?”

    Oh, how I wished that I had not made the foolish mistake of getting out of my warm, comfortable bed.

    • 1. This is a little Incongruity but mostly reversal that is creating the satire.
      2. It is doing this by having a petit wife being abusive to her husband. It is not what a normal person would see everyday and normally the husband is the problem.

    • The sizes of the different classes of people helped create satire as well as the labeling of the stations.
      These elements showed that the rich have so much more of an advantage than the middle class people and the sizes of the rich men show how insignificant we are and because we are not rich-small in size-we dont get the same advantage as the rich.

    • This is an incongruety. The elements that helped create the satire are the nuclear power plant and the greatly mutated snowman. These elements help create the satire because it is silly to think that radiation from a nuclear power plant would make a snowman have two heads and many noses and eyes, not to mention three arms.

    • The incongruity in this is obvious: Apple tells people to think different and all their customers think the same. This points out the flaw in Apple telling others to think different, because their real goal is to have people thinking the same as the last guy who bought an isomething.

  3. So, whilst doing some math homework, I was watching some comedy central and the remote was nowhere to be found. So, when South Park came on I just mindlessly watched. Luckily, it was a kind of brilliant episode and I really, really wanted to use it for my satire example. It took a while, but I found an appropriate (I know!) clip of the “Tolerance Camp” the kids were sent to. Unfortunately, it’s the only one I could find and the last few seconds are someone’s inappropriately named website…so if you could please not completely finish the video it’d be greatly appreciated.

    • This is an example of a hyperbole. The enlarged and exaggerated facial features upon the smaller body makes the person seem rediculous and silly. Not tomention he just stuck the letter “n” over the “q” in Iraq, as if that was suppose to make things better.

    • This is also an example of a hyperbole. The friends of the parents are commenting about the baby’s weight, causing the parents to be embarrassed. Even though most babies are chubby, the parents decided to get “baby spanx” to make their baby look thinner. These elements create satire on how obsessed people are with their weight and appearance. Most adults are concerned if someone comments on their own weight, but in this skit, they are taking it to the extreme by worrying about their baby’s weight, because of comments that were made.

    • I believe the elements in this comic are Incongruity and Hyperbole. Incongruity is used to express, as taylor said, peoples tendencies to try and “fix” things, to the point where they’re doing too much. It’s not the fireman’s job to do all those things for the lady’s cat, nor does the cat need to go to college or a job. These are all promises a president makes for the citizens. The hyperbole works together with the incongruity to truly exaggerate these means in a ridiculous fashion.

    • This is a parody of the “error; web page could not be accessed”. It uses the exact form of the error message and replaces words with words relative to WMDs and the failure of America going into Iraq.

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